running coach for beginners

Personal Training

Custom online personal training
& hybrid training plans

Stay motivated and make progress with customized personal training.

online personal training

Online personal training is perfect for people who are looking for individualized structure and accountability alongside the flexibility to train on their own schedule. My training app allows me to customize your workouts in a simple and easy to use platform that you can have right on your phone. Exercise demonstration videos are easily accessible without leaving the app so you’ll always have guidance on how to complete each exercise.

app for online personal training
app for online personal training

Hybrid Strength Training & Running

This more intensive coaching option for people who want an integrated running and strength-focused training schedule. I will help you find a counterbalance between running and strength training that helps you optimize both so you're getting the most out of your sessions. You can lift heavy AND be an endurance athlete -- you don't have to choose. This training option combines individualized run coaching and online personal training, including access to my training app. Let's go!

You're Unique

The most important investment you can make is in yourself. There are countless benefits of strength training and those benefits ripple to other areas of life. You deserve to feel confident, accomplished, and unstoppable as you reap the benefits of following a consistent training plan that was designed specifically for YOU. Working with a coach will help you stay accountable, take the guessing game out of your training, and make progress each day. Commit to yourself!

online personal trainer for women

What you'll gain by training with Joanna

online fitness coach for women

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